Editor’s Note: This is a guest post from our friends at Traffic Ninjas. To learn more, visit their website at thetrafficninjas.com
Establishing a successful e-commerce business is the dream of every entrepreneur venturing into the digital marketplace. However, the harsh reality is that less than 10% of these businesses manage to achieve substantial success. It’s not because their products suck or lack demand. With the e-commerce industry boasting a staggering $6.3 trillion market value, there’s room for every brand to thrive. Ecommerce business coach reveals what sets the successful businesses apart from the rest.
Having worked as e-commerce business coaches with over 1,000 brands spanning 35 countries, Traffic Ninjas have gained valuable insights into the common mistakes preventing online stores from being successful. The key lies in using the right system designed to make you money (one that doesn’t just rely on paid ads).
The Thing We Learned: Traffic Is The Lifeblood of Your Business
We’ve been in eCommerce since 2016. In eCommerce history that’s like eternity.
What we’ve seen in that time is traffic sources rising and falling. With that we’ve seen businesses rise and fall. Because traffic is like oxygen to your e-commerce business. It can help your business grow but it can run your business to the ground too.
Because without a steady flow of the right visitors to your online store, your business won’t grow. PERIOD.
It was this realisation that led us to creating our signature system designed to help you grow your brand beyond $1 million profitably and sustainably.
1. Plant your money:
First you need to understand where your customers are hanging out like every day and how you can get in front of them without spending a dime on paid ads. So many ecomm business owners forget that there are over 5 billion consumers hanging out on social media literally like every single day.
But they just believe that unless they “pay to play” social media won’t give them any exposure. That’s definitely not true.
To get free exposure on social media, you’ve got to understand what social media wants. And what they want is simple – they want to keep their users on their platform for longer.
So yes, if you’re trying to post an ad onto your Facebook business page and expect it to get a ton of exposure in the organic feed, then that’s not going to happen.
However, if you’re willing to invest ten minutes a day to actually post content about your product (without even trying to sell it) then you can expect so much exposure you won’t be able to keep up. And no, you don’t need any followers and no you don’t need to learn a dance routine either.
Russel from inside our Traffic Ninjas community has joined our ecommerce coaching program less than four months ago. On Instagram, it took him ten posts to go viral and reach over 200,000 views and thousands of dollars in sales. On Tik-Tok it happened even a little faster. And no, he was not an established brand. His brand was new and he had no followers.
He just did what the social media platforms want businesses to do – to always sell but never be salesy. His store has now crossed over $15,000 in revenue per month without spending a dime on paid ads.
And you can do this too. All you have to do is create content about your products and you won’t ever have to worry about where the next sale will be coming from.
2. Grow your business:
Did you know that there are 8.5 BILLION searches on Google per day? Yes, it’s huge.
And did you know that over 90% of all brands, DON’T optimise their ecomm stores for Google search?
Because they think it’s too complicated, competitive or slow. What a wasted opportunity.
With so few business owners competing for the Google search traffic, there are huge untapped opportunities. Huge. Not like small growth but like level 10 opportunities that can change the trajectory of your business, like forever.
All you have to do is find those opportunities. Inside our ecommerce coaching program, we call this process Phrase Mining.
I give you a hint: you can use a tool such as Boardroom to find them.
Go to “keyword research”, type in your product category and let the AI find you the easy keywords to go after. All you have to do is sort by rankability.
The easy ones are your level ten opportunity. Now you’ve got the keys to the castle. It’s up to you to walk through the door.

3. Multiply your profits:
So there’s time and place to start using paid ads and scale your ecommerce business. It’s not when you’re starting out and are not sure who your customer is.
But when you’ve got the solid foundation in place and you’ve tested organic content and understand what converts for you and what doesn’t, it’s time to aplify it.
Because only two types of people can talk about your business. You or someone else. And naturally, there are more of someone else than you.
So in this phase, you need to get other people talk about your business. But it doesn’t just mean to start spending money on paid ads. That alone won’t get you there.
You want to find the right partners to help you grow your business. Who is the right partner? Typically this is going to be a brand that serves the same customer as you but doesn’t compete with you. Like for example a furniture store and a home accessories business. And there are endless opportunities. I’ll let you process this for a moment.
Your E-commerce Potential Unlocked
Look we get it. As a small ecomm founder, you can’t be in all places at once. But whan you can do is focus on one thing at a time. If your store is turning over below $100,000 per month, chances are, you don’t have the right foundation in place. So just start with that. And stop wasting your money on paid ads. If your fundamentals are flawed, no amount of money will fix that.
If you’d like more help from an ecommerce business coach, feel free to get our free Traffic Ninjas resources.