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Taking Your Marketing Beyond Social Media

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Social media is all the craze. Everywhere you look you can see references to Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Due to its popularity, social media is an incredibly effective marketing tool. However, it also has its drawbacks. For example, it is incredibly competitive, and it can be difficult to build a large following. As a result, your business should also consider other marketing methods. In this article, we look at how to take your marketing beyond social media!

Step 1: Improve your basic SEO

A simple thing to do is to improve your Search Engine Optimization. This is improving your website content so that search engines like Google can rank it higher for search queries. There are many basic things you can do without SEO knowledge. For example, you can add alt tags with keywords to your images. You can also add the META title and description tags to your web pages. In addition, you can research keywords using tools like Google Keyword Planner.

Step 2: Build a strong brand

After improving your SEO, you can work on building a strong business brand. Brand reputation is vital for a successful marketing campaign. If you look at businesses like MacDonalds, Nike, and Audi, they all have brands that are instantly recognizable. 

Different branding elements include a business logo, a slogan or vision statement, color schemes, and even small things like fonts and language. There are many free tools available that you can use to create branding. For example, you can use GraphicSprings to produce a professional business logo. Work on your branding and use it to boost your marketing.

Step 3: Explore other marketing methods

Lastly, you should also consider the other marketing methods available. Social media is not the only outlet! You can utilize a wide range of physical and online marketing that does not involve social media, such as:

A blog

A regular blog is a simple way to improve customer engagement and improve customer retention. Many businesses today have blogs that they use as marketing tools. The main point is that the blog articles should be interesting and enjoyable to read. They should give the customers intrinsic value – this could be product guides or even lifestyle information. You can also use a blog to generate customer interactions, and promote backlinks between your other marketing media.

Email campaigns

Email newsletters are still highly valuable and effective. Many businesses have an email newsletter that customers can sign-up too. It is important that you do give them an option to sign-up, and to opt out if they wish. 

Using platforms like MailChimp, you can easily manage and create effective email newsletters. This could be a simple monthly newsletter that provides updates relating to your business and products. It could also contain benefits to customers such as discounts, or early access to new products.

Business cards

Who could forget about the simple business card! This is a simple and effective form of offline marketing. You can create professional business cards with minimal effort and expense. These cards could also contain important contact information and be used to promote your social media profiles, website, and products. Having a stack of business cards handy is always a great idea. Its simple, effective, and you can reach different people who you may not have reached online.

We hope you have found this article useful. You cannot simply avoid social media completely – it is a powerful marketing tool. However, it doesn’t mean that should be your only marketing avenue either. By working on your SEO, branding, and by utilizing other methods, you can create a versatile marketing strategy for your business.

Note: This was a guest post written by Clifton Park



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