BoardRoom China Smart Business Solutions Tue, 12 Oct 2021 07:59:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 BoardRoom China 32 32 Comparison Guide: Outsourcing Payroll vs HRMS Cloud Solutions Tue, 12 Oct 2021 07:06:33 +0000 The post Comparison Guide: Outsourcing Payroll vs HRMS Cloud Solutions appeared first on BoardRoom China.


Comparison Guide: Outsourcing Payroll vs HRMS Cloud Solutions

Despite the importance of payroll in a company, many businesses are still unclear on the types of payroll solutions available and how to evaluate them to determine the best fit for their needs.

To help you decide whether outsourcing payroll or adopting a Human Resource Management System (HRMS) cloud solution is better for your company, we have prepared a helpful comparison guide below. But before that, here is an overview of each solution.

What does outsourcing payroll involve?

When a company outsources payroll, it hires a specialist payroll provider to handle some, or all, of its payroll functions. Outsourced payroll providers should offer a wide range of services to allow businesses to select the options best suited to their specific needs.

Outsourcing administrative payroll functions can streamline your company’s operations, allowing your HR team to focus their time on delivering key strategic imperatives.

What does an HRMS cloud solution involve?

An HRMS cloud solution, such as BoardRoom’s Ignite HRMS, offers an all-in-one payroll platform that automates in-house payroll processing.

Typically, small businesses will choose to manage employee databases and payroll processing in-house, while the payroll software vendor will manage data backups and software upgrades.

Pricing models vary depending on the quality of the HRMS cloud solution. Most commonly, software vendors offer subscription-based, ‘pay as you go’ pricing.

A comparison of outsourcing payroll vs HRMS cloud solutions

Points of Comparison

Outsourcing Payroll

HRMS Cloud Solutions


Best suited to businesses that:

  • have less complex pay runs: when most employees are full-time monthly salaried staff or casual labour, outsourcing payroll costs tend to be lower than hiring a full-time equivalent (FTE).
  • are growing rapidly: expert payroll outsourcing vendors have the capability to manage the payroll needs of an expanding workforce.
  • operate within multiple jurisdictions: instead of trying to stay up-to-date with compliance regulations, companies can redirect their HR team resources to other business generating activities

Best suited to businesses that:

  • are newly established start-ups: can benefit from the efficiencies created from using an all-in-one HRMS cloud solution. It’s a no-frills option for automating and connecting many key modules needed to administer payroll, such as leave and claims. However, you will need to factor in ongoing subscription fees to access the Software as a Service (SaaS) platform.
  • use offline administration methods: an HRMS cloud solution can alleviate some of the administrative burden created by manual payroll processing. It can also improve the accuracy of payroll calculations as manual calculations are more prone to human error.
  • have complex legacy systems: modern HRMS cloud solutions provide real-time reporting capabilities, which means businesses can say goodbye to clunky legacy systems.
  • have more complex pay runs: the best HRMS cloud solutions can be customised to process even the most complicated pay runs.

Level of in-house effort

Minimal: your payroll outsourcing vendor manages this resource-intensive administrative function for you, freeing up your in-house HR team to focus on other core business activities.

Moderate: your in-house team is still responsible for payroll processing, but they will benefit from the efficiencies created by using an automated HRMS cloud solution.

Cost considerations

  • Cost-effective for less complex pay runs: for companies with more straightforward pay runs, the cost of outsourcing payroll tends to be lower than having to hire a full-time equivalent (FTE) in-house.
  • Improved cost visibility: one of the major benefits of outsourcing is that your costs don’t fluctuate significantly. You have complete visibility over how much you will be spending each month. Any additional hires will come at a predetermined rate, meaning hiring costs can be more easily planned.
  • Avoid maintenance costs: outsourcing payroll means your company no longer needs to maintain the appropriate level of cloud security to support a SaaS platform.
  • No frills option but there are subscription costs: with an HRMS cloud solution, your in-house team continues to process payroll, meaning you are not paying an outsourcing provider to do this. However, you will need to factor in ongoing subscription fees to access the Software as a Service (SaaS) platform.
  • Ongoing maintenance costs: your company will need to maintain appropriate cloud security for the SaaS platform.

Compliance capability

Expert level compliance capability: the best payroll outsourcing providers can minimise your exposure to costly compliance penalties and lawsuits while freeing up your HR team to focus on other core business activities.

By outsourcing your payroll to our specialists here at BoardRoom, you will receive access to a team of dedicated experts who are experienced in running payroll in multiple jurisdictions and know best practice processes so that your company can stay up-to-date with any compliance and regulatory changes.

Improvement over manual processing but can be less effective than outsourcing: with a SaaS solution, manual processes are done automatically via the platform, improving the accuracy of payroll calculations.

However, your HR team needs to ensure that your company remains compliant which is a very time-consuming task. In the APAC Region, payroll regulations are complex and change frequently, making it difficult for HR teams to stay up-to-date. Your in-house HR team needs to have detailed knowledge of local payroll regulations and then be able to set the payroll system up correctly and amend if any regulation changes are implemented.

Security capability

Strong: quality payroll outsourcing providers store their data on highly secure cloud-based servers using state-of-the-art encryption. They perform regular backups to ensure that data is protected. Data protection and security are top priorities for us at BoardRoom, which is why our data centres have achieved ISO27001. Our cloud hosting has SOC 2 certification. Our team members participate in regular cybersecurity training sessions and data protection training sessions every year.

Variable: While security is primarily the responsibility of the company administering payroll, it is important to check that the SaaS solution vendor you select has appropriate cloud-based security for your data.


Comprehensive expert advice and support: the best payroll outsourcing vendors offer you the support of a team of highly trained and experienced payroll professionals, just like our team of specialists here at BoardRoom. They can answer any questions you have about all aspects of payroll and provide proactive solutions to any potential issues – all without the associated overhead costs of maintaining this level of expertise in-house.

Software support focus: when you choose SaaS option for payroll instead of outsourcing, the support you will receive is more focused on platform-related matters. Generally, you won’t receive the comprehensive advice and support offered by expert payroll outsourcing vendors.

Looking for a payroll solution that best meets your company’s needs?

At BoardRoom, we offer the best of both worlds. Our team of experts can manage all aspects of your payroll, while our advanced HRMS cloud solution, Ignite HRMS, is an all-in-one platform that automates and streamlines payroll processing. This means that we are able to offer a seamless payroll solution for all stages of your company’s growth, from a newly established start-up to a mature multi-national corporation.

Speak to our payroll specialists today about how we can tailor a payroll solution to meet your company’s specific needs.

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3 Key Advantages of Outsourcing Payroll Services in China Wed, 25 Aug 2021 02:16:34 +0000 The post 3 Key Advantages of Outsourcing Payroll Services in China appeared first on BoardRoom China.


Key advantages of engaging an outsourced payroll services provider in China

Your company’s most valuable assets are its employees. A critical, yet often overlooked, component of maintaining employee satisfaction is accurate, efficient and reliable pay runs. However, achieving this in-house can be incredibly time-consuming.

Do you know how many hours your in-house team spends on payroll processing? It might be time to consider outsourcing payroll, so that you can focus on what really matters: the strategic business drivers that grow your company.

To help you make the best decision for your business, consider the following key advantages of engaging an outsourced payroll services provider in China.

Minimised compliance and regulatory risks

One of the most significant risks that employers face when executing payroll in China is non-compliance with the country’s complex labour and tax laws. Staying informed of the latest regulatory changes that impact payroll, and then accurately applying them, takes considerable time.

Outsourcing your payroll to a specialist service provider like our team of experts at BoardRoom can minimise your exposure to compliance risks and help give you the confidence you need to focus on higher-value business tasks. Let us take care of the following compliance considerations so that you and your team don’t have to:

  • Tax deductions: these vary from region to region (and even city to city) across China, but they usually total around 40% of an employee’s salary.
  • Withholding tax: employers must withhold approximately 15% of employees’ wages for individual income taxes, and pay these to China’s tax bureau before the 15th of each month. Employers are also required to withhold and pay a shares tax, bonus tax or severance tax when applicable.
  • Social insurance schemes: Employers and employees are required to contribute to China’s mandatory social insurance schemes. These include pension, medical, industrial injury, unemployment, maternity and Housing Fund (HF) insurance. The HF scheme allows employees to save towards purchasing their own homes.

Social insurance and HF contribution rates are adjusted annually, with rates based on the average salary of the specific city or region where the employee works.

Employers must also pay insurance withholdings to the Bureau of Labour Insurance, National Health Insurance Council, and the Employee Pension Board before the 15th of the following month.

payroll services
  • Minimum wage-setting: Generally, local government agencies across China set minimum wages. However, the country’s labour bureaus set standard minimum wages for specific job types.
  • Working hours: China has an eight-hour workday with an average working week of no longer than 44 hours, and (most commonly) two days off per week.
  • Pay cycles: Salaries in China are typically paid monthly.
  • Employment termination: An employee may terminate their employment by giving 30 days’ written notice of termination. Employers must also give their employees 30 days’ notice if they wish to terminate the employment.

Unless the employee failed to satisfy the conditions of their employment contract, or they violated any laws or company policies, the employer must also issue severance pay.

  • Paid holidays: these include the first three days of the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, three days for International Labour Day on May 1-3, three days for National Day from October 1-3, and one day on 1 January. China’s government occasionally also establishes special holidays on short notice.
  • Annual leave: employees are entitled to between 5-15 days of paid annual leave, depending on their length of service with the company. Employees can also apply for sick leave, marriage leave and funeral leave, when applicable.
  • Parental leave: maternity leave entitlements are 98 days, paid by the employer. Some provincial regulations extend the amount of leave available by as much as three months in some instances. Paternity leave entitlements are between 7-20 days, with some extensions permissible.
Outsourcing payroll can also save you time and money

When you outsource payroll, your in-house HR team can focus on achieving more strategic objectives, such as increasing employee engagement and productivity. With the time saved by outsourcing, your company can then reallocate staff towards core business activities. Outsourcing payroll can also save your company money because it can:

  • avoid the need to hire an in-house payroll expert;
  • implement more streamlined payroll processes; and
  • avoid maintaining  payroll software or managing paperwork and tax liabilities in-house.
Looking for an established payroll partner in China?

At BoardRoom, we are experts in helping companies throughout China, and the Asia Pacific Region, to manage their payroll.

Whether you are a large corporation or a fast-growing SME, we ensure that your company stays compliant with local statutory regulations. At the same time, we ensure that your most valuable assets, your employees, are paid on time, every time.

Ultimately, the greatest advantage of outsourcing payroll services is that it allows your company to focus on what matters: growth and profitability.

Speak to our payroll experts today about how to outsource payroll services for your company.

payroll outsourcing in China

Related Business Insights

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Payroll Outsourcing in China – Know your Payroll Duties Thu, 16 Apr 2020 09:55:31 +0000 The post Payroll Outsourcing in China – Know your Payroll Duties appeared first on BoardRoom China.

Employment Considerations

One of the biggest risks employers face with executing payroll in China is not fully complying with the country’s labour laws. Employees are generally required to have proof of residence in the city in which they apply for employment, and employers must file the appropriate social insurance paperwork.

Employees may be hired on a permanent or temporary basis; a temporary contract can be for a fixed period of time or until the occurrence of a certain event. Workers from abroad can be employed only with special permission from the local authorities and after obtaining an employment certificate for the employee.

Wages and Compensation Considerations

Minimum wages are set by local government agencies across China, and the country’s labour bureaus set standard minimum wages for certain types of jobs. China has an eight-hour work day with an average working week no more than 44 hours long and (generally) two days off per week. Salaries and payroll-run in China are generally paid monthly.

An employee may terminate employment with 30 days’ written notice. Employers must provide 30-day advance notice to an employee to part ways with mutual consent and must pay severance unless the employee failed to satisfy the conditions of his or her employment contract and/or violated any laws or company policies.

Taxes, Social Society & Withholdings

Required tax deductions vary from region to region (and even city to city) across China, but they usually total around 40 percent of an employee’s salary. Since all employees pay income tax, China mandates that employers withhold around 15 percent of employees’ wages for individual income taxes and pay, paying them to China’s tax bureau before the 15th of each month. Employers are also required to withhold and pay a shares tax, bonus tax, or severance tax when applicable.

Employers and employees are required to contribute to China’s mandatory social insurance schemes – pension insurance, medical insurance, industrial injury insurance, unemployment insurance, and maternity insurance – as well as to its Housing Fund which allows the employees to save money towards purchasing their own home.

The amount of social insurance and Housing Fund contributions are adjusted each year for every city or region, with the amount determined using the average salary in each city. Respective government officials often implement the changes at different times, placing an important administrative burden on employers to stay abreast of all required payroll compliance guidelines.

The required withholdings must also be paid to the Bureau of Labour Insurance, National Health Insurance Council, and the Employee Pension Board before the 15th of the following month.

Leave, Vacations & Holidays

As in most other Asian countries, workers in China receive about 10 paid holidays per year. These generally include the first three days of the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, three days for International Labour Day on May 1-3, and three days for National Day from October 1-3. They also receive a paid holiday for January First on the Western calendar and China’s government occasionally establishes special holidays on short notice.

Employees are entitled to between 5 and 15 days of paid annual leave at a sliding scale based on their length of service to the employer. Employees can also apply for sick leave, marriage leave, and funeral leave, when applicable.

Women are generally entitled to 98 days of maternity leave, paid by the employer, though certain provincial regulations extend the amount of leave available (in some instances, by as many as three months). Fathers are entitled to 7-20 days of paternity leave, with some extensions permissible.

China Payroll Outsourcing

Most companies operating in China have engaged a regional payroll services provider to take care of China’s complex payroll considerations and tax requirements. To ensure all employer’s liabilities are complied with according to the local regulations, consider outsourcing your payroll operations in China to a trusted managed services provider like BoardRoom.

BoardRoom has extensive experience operating in China with a local team and a new cloud-based HRMS solution, Ignite, that delivers a superior user interface and an intuitive mobile application.

Looking For An Established Payroll Partner In China?

At Boardroom, we are experts in helping companies, from corporations to fast-growing SMEs, with their payroll, allowing them to focus on what matters – growth and profitability.

From local payroll services handling to managing substantial payroll obligations for bigger companies spread across Asia-Pacific, we help companies comply with local statutory regulations while ensuring their most valuable asset, the employees, are paid on time.

Contact us today and empower your organisation with greater freedom through our payroll solutions.

Or you can also learn more about our payroll solutions here.

This article is for informational purposes only and not intended to convey or constitute legal or any other advice. It is not a substitute for advice from a qualified professional.

Related Business Insights

The post Payroll Outsourcing in China – Know your Payroll Duties appeared first on BoardRoom China.
