Welcome to this e-commerce business success story! In this profile, we interviewed Jeremy, the owner of Unrivaled Review. Our hope is that you find this interview to be enlightening and inspiring as you seek to start and grow your very own online brand!
Interview with Jeremy
Thank you for joining us for this e-commerce business success story! We’d like to start by getting an understanding of your backstory. How did you come to own your business?
I came to own my own online business like many millennials; in an attempt to escape the 9-5 and earn a living on my own terms. What started out as a side venture soon became my full-time living and income. Once I reached a point where I was comfortable with my monthly earnings (consistent income), I stepped away from the 9-5 and have been building online ever since.
Terrific! Now, this article is about profiling successful e-commerce businesses. So – can you share your top 3 keys to running a successful online brand?
The top three keys to running a successful brand, in my opinion and experience are:
- Offering a USP (whether this be higher product quality than the competition, a cheaper price, or a new product that you introduce to the market),
- Building an audience – particularly one that you can remarket and resell too. An email marketing list that you promote new products and/or promotions to here is ideal.
- Learning how to scale/cut your losses – some products will be winners, others will fail. That’s just eCommerce. So, you need to know when and how to scale your winners and cut your losers to ensure maximum profitability and maintain healthy vash flow.
Excellent. Now, I’m sure it hasn’t always been that easy. Can you tell a story about one challenge, setback, or mistake that you’ve had to overcome on the road to success? How can others learn from your mistakes?A couple spring to mind.
A couple of challenges, setbacks and mistakes spring to mind.
- I set an ad campaign up without a cap on spend – I only noticed the next day and the campaign had already racked up a pretty hefty spend. I learned the value of double checking everything, multiple times over, and the value of not being so hasty to launch.
- For one of my stores, I once only stocked a product from one supplier. When the supplier was unable to fulfil my orders my store was ultimately put on hold. So, I learned here the value in either product and/or supplier diversification. I would wholeheartedly recommend that everyone considers ‘plan B’s for these kinds of scenarios.
Thanks for that. Now – we want to know what’s next! What new initiatives are you rolling out at your business and what results are you hoping to see?
I am keen to continue trialing, reviewing and testing eCom related products and publishing the outcomes over on my site, Unrivaled Review. This is where I aim to document my journey and help other eCom store owners learn about the best tools, courses and other tips/strategies to succeed.
Other than this I am hoping to learn more about Blockchain and Crypto and how these technologies can help my online eCommerce business. I have recently signed up to a course known as the Moralis Academy and will continue to learn about the space over the upcoming years.
Sounds exciting! Any final words of advice for our readers?
Stick at it! While some eCommerce stores are overnight successes, that is rarely the case (unless it’s an established brand, or they simply launch at the right time and get a little lucky). So, keep testing and remain positive that this will work. Don’t be wasteful and do not chase an opportunity that is not showing any signs of success, but at the same time be willing to explore new opportunities, test on limited budgets and scale when the KPIs show you its time.
Brilliant! We want to thank you for participating in today’s interview. Hopefully our readers agree that there is a lot to be learned from your brand’s story. What links can our readers use to follow along with your journey?
One of my key resources on my site that tends to help a lot of eCommerce store owners, particularly those pursuing the dropshipping model is this: How Much Do Dropshippers Make On Average? [What About Profit?].
Other than this, the best way to learn about my brand is to visit my website directly, at https://www.unrivaledreview.com. It is from there you can explore my content, learn more about what I do and gain valuable insights into the eCommerce industry.